Friday, November 1, 2013

25 weeks

Holy hell I look like crap this week.  I just want you to know I realize this and I'm not walking around in some dream-like state that I look like Gisele Bundchen.  Who I really don't like by the way.  I could look like that too if I had 8 zillion dollars and nannies and, you know, DNA like hers.  What a jerk.

This Friday marks the end of the most difficult week of daycare I have had yet.  This might also be why I look like crap.  The kids were very difficult and the more pregnant I get the less patience I have.  This is unfortunate for the children but the most unfortunate for me.  I feel like Cookie is going to come out in some permanent state of anxiety and stress because of how things have been lately.  This isn't true right?  What movie is that from... she was all worried the baby was going to come out wired for stress for life.  Oh yes, Knocked Up.  I'm not sure if that's true but it is how I feel.  I need a relax day.  A ME day.  A day with no pressure, no guilt, no work, no kids.

Well now I am just complaining.  I need to SNAP OUT OF IT.  Whining to myself over a blog so everyone can read it.  I am going out of my mind.

Baby is healthy and active as ever.  I feel hiccups now and Cookie has them all the time.  You can easily feel baby from the outside doing everything like rolling, twitching, hiccups and not just kicking.  I think it's fun and I feel baby from the inside too!

My doctor appointment went well.  Cookie's heartbeat was at 152 bpm and s/he was irritated at the pressure of the Doppler on my belly.  That is one thing about this baby, s/he doesn't like pressure at all on my stomach.  Even the maternity band on my pants can get this kid ticked off. 

I am experienced with pregnancy so I had no questions related to that but I did ask quite a few questions about water births since that is the route I am planning on taking this time.  I want to go all natural, "I am woman hear me roar" style.  This may be a crazy idea.  I don't know.  Ask me in roughly 105 days when my due date approaches.  My doc did tell me something kind of weird that I hadn't heard before.  I guess they do a "quick test" for HIV on your routine blood tests and my "quick test" came back positive. He tells me this is quite common for pregnancy.  They are, of course, required to do the real test which OBVIOUSLY came back negative.  I do not have HIV.  I hadn't heard of this though.  Have you? 

The scale wasn't being nice that day and told me a tale I would rather not hear.  Am I eating salad and crunch on carrots all day long?  No.  I am not.  Am I drinking water until the cows come home?  No.  BUT I am eating small meals throughout the day and not gorging myself and am getting a hell of a lot more exercise than I got the last 2 pregnancies.  I think I am doing better than those pregnancies but the weight gain is still climbing steadily at a rate that I am not fond of.  Hopefully I can stick to my goal of 15 lbs less than what I gained with the other two.  You will have to trust me.  I can stand to gain 15 lbs less than those pregnancies and still have enough to spare.  My body packs on the pounds when a child is brewing.

Ok.  I am rambling and making a fool of myself enough today.  I am going to bed.  It will probably be more like a coma.  Until next week....


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