Sunday, February 17, 2013


You know when you have those days or even weeks when you just feel... well, like a schmuck-bag?  You feel fat, or dowdy, or fugly dugly or whatever.  I am having one of those times.  I don't like it much.  My husband calls me crazy which is very sweet and really, I only need him to find me attractive but human nature calls for the want to feel good.  Pesky business.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Even after all this time.

I know I haven't wrote in forever and I can't promise that I will even write more after this but I just wanted to say...

I had lots of options of things to do this weekend and people to do things with but I just wanted to spend time with my husband.  Even after 10+ years, no one makes me laugh like he does.

I'm a lucky girl.