Thursday, July 19, 2012

38 weeks

For some crazy reason I really didn't think we'd make it to 38 weeks.  My impatience is at a high level.  I am really, really, REALLY trying to just trust that there is a reason that baby is still cooking.  I want to meet him/her so badly and find out who is in there.  My body gives every sign that its ready for delivery and yet baby still doesn't come. 

Yesterday I had my 38 week appointment.  I am a "good 5 cm" (aka between 5-6) and he says I have no cervix left.  Honestly?  I am over halfway done with prepping for delivery and nothing has even happened yet.  Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for the lack of pain that most women experience at this stage.  Quite a few are even on epidurals at this point and here I am, waddling around and still working.  I think having my body this ready to deliver just increasing my impatience and at times, frustration at the lack of active labor. 

Last Saturday we did have to go into the hospital for monitoring.  I was having contractions (that weren't painful at all) every 5 minutes and then down to 3 minutes.  Once we got to the hospital they stopped.  Of course.  With my being so far dilated/effaced and being GBS positive, the doc is worried I won't get to the hospital in time to have the penicillin.  I guess it should be in for 4 hours.  I think he's even worried about us making it to the hospital.  Maybe not...  It is only a 20 minute drive but with only needing to dilate 4 more centimeters, it really might go quickly.  Dexter's birth went so fast and he was a first baby.   

Baby is still as active as every.  S/he obviously doesn't have any room left but I can feel kicks and jabs quite well.  Bug doesn't enjoy contractions, that much I know. Who would enjoy contractions?  With so little room left I often have to push Bug's foot out of my ribs.  S/he must think they are some sort of xylophone to play with!  Ribs just aren't made to be moved.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're so close! Hopefully it'll be a quick & easy delivery!
