Saturday, March 24, 2012

Yes. I read Readers Digest dangit!

It might be considered to some an "old people" magazine but you can get some helpful tips in there!  Let me tell you a story.  My husband is messy.  I don't know how he does it but he always makes a mess.  He can make toast and leave the kitchen a disaster area.  It is a very irritating habit but I try to just ignore it.  There are things I do that bug him too (*cough* like leave laundry folded in the baskets *cough*.  I really hate putting away laundry*cough*). 

Anyway, the microwave was disgusting.  And I mean DIS.GUS.TING.  I was not about to clean it though.  Dang nab it, I've cleaned it so many times and I am not the one that makes a mess.  I know to cover my dishes with a paper towel and I wipe away any stray messes.  This was all Max's doing.  So I went on strike.  As much as it grossed me out strike time it was.  A week passed by.  Then two.  Then three.  A month.  I couldn't handle it anymore.  This was serious.

The only thing in my favor was a helpful little tip I found in Readers Digest. Use hot water and baking soda and microwave it until just about boiling and the yuck in there will just wipe away and the smell will be gone! And it works! It took me less than 5 minutes to scrub away at the nasty thing and there was no smell left. THANK GOODNESS. I left a nice reminder note though for next time : )

All pretty and smelling delightful.

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