Enter THIRD TRIMESTER. Say what? What in the Sam's hell is going on? Third trimester? There are only TWELVE weeks until this baby's due date. Only 12 weeks until Christmas folks. Maybe you should start panicking with me.
The last month hasn't been overly spectacular in the pregnancy department. Obviously it's wonderful seeing Squirt grow and man alive is s/he active. Squirt moves around so, so much. Not surprisingly, baby is the most active at night. Rolls around, kicks, punches, does some sort of quivering move. Do babies get the shivers? That's almost what it feels like. I do believe both Simon and Ada were active night babies.
Heartburn has come back with a vengeance. Everything gives me heartburn. Not even just food related. I can sit wrong and I get heartburn. If things are too squished in there at all the heartburn starts almost immediately. It's not as horrible as it was with Ada but more frequent than with Ada. I don't think anything could compare with the rolling waves of acid that came with Ada's pregnancy.
Rolling over in bed is an insane amount of work. I feel like a big, fat cow. Our scale decided to play a mean trick and was "broken" of sorts and told me a certain weight that I was quite happy with. One week later it told me I had gained 10 lbs. I was not happy with that. Turns out, the 10 lbs heavier was correct. Blah. At least I have no stretch marks, right?
Cravings have been: meatloaf with mashed potatoes, berry flavored things but not the berry itself (this is the weirdest thing as I am normally an avid berry avoider) and caramel rolls (I haven't indulged in this yet).
One very happy milestone that we have finally reached is that our baby has names. This has been the longest that it has taken Max and I to pick out a name. It has really felt like a weight on my shoulders and made me feel like I couldn't bond with the baby. I like to call the baby by name in my head (I alternate the names since we don't know the sex) and being unable to do so has made bonding take longer. That and the fact that I have three small kids running around and can never think about being pregnant. Either way, my sweet babe finally has names and no, we won't be telling you or anyone. Everyone can find out when Squirt comes out.
I have been pregnant 5 times. This is my 4th pregnancy to reach this stage. Never have I had a child focus his/her movements so much on my pelvic floor. This kid rarely kicks up on my stomach. It is always a straight shot for my lady bits. What the world is s/he doing in there? It is a very strange feeling. I've been trying to just get used to it but I can't. It feels so foreign that I wish I could reach up there and just turn the babe so s/he would kick my ribs. I'd rather have my ribs kicked than my lady bits. A mild comparison would be like when you get a pap smear and they take that 12 inch Q-tip and scrape it all along your cervix. Scrape scrape scrape. The baby is continually giving me a pap smear all day long. I love this baby but I do NOT love that.
There really isn't much to do to get ready for this baby. The pack and play can be set up in our room the day we come home from the hospital. Ada is kicked out of the crib and happily established in her big girl bed. Not that the baby will need the crib for a few months after birth anyway. I found the car seat, the cozy zip up warmer thing for the car seat and the car seat cover. I'll wash those when I get the energy to find the newborn boy & girl clothes and pick out a weeks worth of both to wash. What else is there? I think the baby tub is in my closet somewhere. Swing will be out already because I have a baby starting in November for daycare. Done. Man, fourth babies are easy to get ready for.
I probably should mention hormones. Um, they are a bit whacky lately. And by a bit I mean they strike at
random and weird moments preventing me from being the levelheaded gal I normally am. Even in the midst of a hormonal breakdown, I know it's the hormones but they are so powerful they take hold and don't let go. Poor Max. Poor poor Max.
I have the dreaded glucose test on Monday. This will be my first doctor appointment in 15 weeks. Can't go another 15 weeks can I? I'll probably do another appointment at 32 weeks and at 36 weeks start the weekly appointments. I dilate and efface so early and walk around in a labor state without actually being in labor that those last weekly appointments are very important. We have to keep track of what is going on so we don't have a car baby. All my labors have been cut in half every time so that would mean this one will be, what, 45 minutes from start to finish? I'll just step aside at a family Christmas gathering, squat down, give birth and be back out for dinner. Who would want to miss the feast?
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